Sunday, August 03, 2008

Another Short Trip to Baltimore

On Sauturday me and some of my club brothers drove down to Baltimore to attend the annual COMMAND MC's pool party, which was a lot of fun. This past week has been a frustrating one on several levels for me and I really needed this bad; fortunately this lifted up my spirits a lot. About sixty people attended the party. I wound up staying overnight at the house where it was held at, and we drove back home the next day. It was a great oppruntnity to socailize with my club brothers, since at the general club meetings as the club scribe I'm quite busy taking care of the club minutes that I don't socialize as much as I would like to. There are also some other clubs in the near future I will be looking forward to as well.

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Larry Townsend RIP

Larry Townsend, author of such books as The Leatherman's Handbook and Run Little Leather Boy, passed away on July 29. I remember picking up The Leatherman's Handbook 2 shortly after I started getting into leather in the early 90s and it had a sizeable influence on me. A leather mentor that will be missed.

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Vintage Madonna Photo

I recently came across this outtake of Madonna's Like A Virgin album photo-session with Steven Meisel back in 1984. She looked really radiant and glowing in that photo session. It still looks hot today.

Of course things are quite different these days with her new creepy "look" this past week--let's just say that she needs to eat more candy now.

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