Sunday, October 09, 2005

Oh Boy part 2

From the BBC:

Boy George 'denies drugs charge'

A lawyer for Boy George has denied that drugs found in his New York apartment belonged to the star, say reports.

The singer has been charged with possession of drugs and faces up to 15 years in jail, if found guilty.

"It was a small amount of drugs," Lou Freeman told the New York Post. "He doesn't know where it came from. He's had a lot of people in his house."

George called police on Friday to report a burglary. Officers found drugs next to a computer in the apartment.

"A man who has something to hide does not call police," said Mr Freeman.

A spokeswoman for the Manhattan District Attorney's office said he was released after being charged with possession of a controlled substance.

It is alleged he had more than an eighth of an ounce (3.5g) of cocaine.

The charge carries a maximum penalty of 15 years in prison. He is scheduled to return to court on 19 December.

He has also been charged with falsely reporting an incident.

Also an article on how the drug charges could affect Boy's career in the US.


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