Friday, May 18, 2007

Friday Video #31: Verka Serduchka at Eurovision

Can a drag queen from the Ukraine become a sensation in Europe? Well Verka Serduchka has done just that. Last weekend at the Eurovision Song Contest 2007 she performed an accordian techno number titled "Dancing Lasha Tumbai" and it went over very well--it finished in second place. A fun goofy number indeed. (First place went to "Molitva" by Marjia Serifovic from Seria, who's an out lesbian.)

Speaking of Eurovision, NBC has bought the US rights to the show and now is developing World Vision: An American Anthem. If the American version does get off the ground, could this mean that there's a chance a drag queen or out gay person could win or place highly in the contest like they can in the European original version? Hopefully there can be a slight better chance than, say, American Idol (Hello, pink elephant in the room called Clay Aiken)!

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Blogger Robert Drake said...

ok - now THAT is good!

it reminded me of Army of Lovers with a twist ;)

thanks for posting

10:06 PM  

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