Spring Days
Today is the third straight day of sunny weather. Tuesday the temperature rose up to the lower 80's (F, that is). Not as warm yesterday or today but still it's a big inmprovement to the messy winter weather two weeks ago.
Picked up Mika's Life In Cartoon Motion CD on Tuesday and I'm enjoying it. It's a combination of Scissor Sisters, vintage Elton John, and Rufus Wainwright funneled through a Disney-esque glass. Great music for sunny spring days. Lots of technicolor daydreaming.
Last night saw a local theater production of Bent, a play about the persecution of gays in 193o's Berlin, at West Chester University. It was quite moving. Was a little painful to watch at times.
Picked up Mika's Life In Cartoon Motion CD on Tuesday and I'm enjoying it. It's a combination of Scissor Sisters, vintage Elton John, and Rufus Wainwright funneled through a Disney-esque glass. Great music for sunny spring days. Lots of technicolor daydreaming.
Last night saw a local theater production of Bent, a play about the persecution of gays in 193o's Berlin, at West Chester University. It was quite moving. Was a little painful to watch at times.
Question: Is it wrong that I get turned on by the Nazis in the movie version of Bent? it's the boots and the whole dominance thing. i'm hoping u'll appreciate my twistedness.
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